Auth proxy

Auth Proxy is an abstraction for authentication interface for services to ask for session authentication.

Auth Proxy hides the varying technologies of multiple Auth Sources behind standard interface from services perspective.

Authentication sequence

note left of User
  User is registered to the system.
  No active session anywhere.
end note

User ->+ LMS A: Initiate login
LMS A -> Auth Proxy: Shibboleth
Auth Proxy -> User: Ask which source
User --> Auth Proxy: Choice

alt Strong
else Weak

Auth Proxy -> Auth Data: Query attributes

Auth Data -> Data Source: Query data
Data Source --> Auth Data: Return data

Auth Data --> Auth Proxy: Return attributes
Auth Proxy -> LMS A: Shibboleth assertion
LMS A ->- User: Access granted

note left of User
  User has open session in LMS A and Auth Proxy
  User can now move from LMS A to Bazaar.
end note

User ->+ LMS A: Do something
LMS A ->+ Bazaar: Browse
Bazaar -> Auth Proxy: Authenticate
Auth Proxy -> Auth Data: Query attributes

Auth Data --> Auth Proxy: Return attributes
Auth Proxy --> Bazaar: Shibboleth assertion

note left of User
  User has open session also in Bazaar.
end note